Osteopath, pain care educator, Pain Care Aware trainer, therapeutic pilates, yoga & somatics practitioner

Short practice videos
(Value $220)
Guided breath practices (2-20 mins)
Guided mindfulness practices (2-20 mins)
Guided movement practices (5-20 mins)
Self-mobilization and self-release
Get your lymphatic system moving!
Get rid of morning stiffness!

Monthly live sessions
(Value $150)
Get together as a community for:
Online live Q&A with Colleen
Share your successes and challenges with the online practices
Each live session will start and end with a short, guided practice

Pain neuroscience & Yoga therapy concepts
(Value $450)
Current Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) tips broken down into small, digestible, 5-15 mins segments (see below for examples of what topics will be covered)
The yamas and niyamas: a practical, embodied exploration
The gunas: a practical, embodied exploration
The koshas: a practical, embodied exploration

Video guides for aspects of life affected by pain (Value $80)
Sleep hygiene video + accompanying checklist (printable PDF)
Journal prompts (1 / week)
Video guide for loved ones and caregivers (including printable PDF)
Monthly recipe – Food determines your mood!
Combat brain fog video + printable worksheets
Travelling with chronic pain

30 - 90 minute classes in each of the following styles: (Value $275)
Hatha yoga
Restorative yoga
Gentle Somatic yoga (GSY)
Fascial Flow
Playful Proprioception
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM)
Cakra balancing
Roll to Release - Myofascial release class using small balls
Col's Balls - Using deflated balls to support and inform the nervous system

BONUS content
(Value $200)
Printable PDF versions of the PNE tips
FREE Discover to Recover e-book with prompts, reminders, and checklists to help put the concepts into practice
Private Facebook group – connect & share with others in the Discover to Recover community in a safe place (priceless!)
My Discover to Recover journey...
In 2010, a spinal cord compression injury turned out to be the inspiration for what became this program. I spent several weeks living on the floor unable to move anything but my hands and forearms. I could only tolerate being in one, very particular position supported by many props and couldn’t move my head a millimetre in any direction.
When you lose the ability to move
you have no choice but to connect to a deeper part of yourself.
For two years, for weeks at a time, the only resources available were my thoughts, my breath and the vibrations created by exploring with my voice. This could have been a period of extreme darkness. Instead I chose to see this time as a gift that allowed me to experience the multitude of benefits that come from embracing stillness, acceptance, and surrender. These were qualities that did not come naturally to me then!
Over 100 Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) tips broken down into small, digestible, 5-15 mins segments (see below for some examples). This information will be woven into the guided practices so you can connect the theory and practical application.
Accessing the medicine cabinet in your brain
Sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric nervous systems explained
Motion is lotion, movement is medicine…. but how do I move when I am in so much pain?
Pain tolerance vs pain threshold
Pacing movement and activities
Challenge it to Change it! How? When? Why?
Pain relies on context – Your thoughts, emotions, environment, your past, your religion, your culture, etc all influence pain, how?
DIMS & SIMS – Using ‘danger in me’ and ‘safety in me’ messages as a strategy to manage pain and a sensitized nervous system
Neurons that fire together, wire together! Use neuroplasticity to fire and wire your neurons in a way that helps to minimize your symptoms.
Flare up? Don’t’ freak out! Strategies to manage the inevitable flare ups
How to be social while minimizing flare ups
Calming a sensitized nervous system
The brain-gut connection and its role in pain
The nervous system and immune system – an intricate Tango
How gratitude and self-compassion can change your physiology
Brain fog – you are not losing your mind; your brain is just too busy dealing with pain to focus on anything else. Train your brain to divide its attention.
Get to know your “-ceptions’: Interoception, proprioception, exteroception
Somatic amnesia / Body awareness / Body maps
The Spoon Theory
The lymphatic system
Strengthening vagal tone
My Discover to Recover journey...
In 2010, a spinal cord compression injury turned out to be the inspiration for what became this program. I spent several weeks living on the floor unable to move anything but my hands and forearms. I could only tolerate being in one, very particular position supported by many props and couldn’t move my head a millimetre in any direction.
When you lose the ability to move
you have no choice but to connect to a deeper part of yourself.
For two years, for weeks at a time, the only resources available were my thoughts, my breath and the vibrations created by exploring with my voice. This could have been a period of extreme darkness. Instead I chose to see this time as a gift that allowed me to experience the multitude of benefits that come from embracing stillness, acceptance, and surrender. These were qualities that did not come naturally to me then!
The experience of living in pain for so long allowed me to truly understand what my patients had been dealing with all these years. I got it, viscerally. I finally understood how fear of the unknown can paralyse you and how daunting it can be to try anything because you’re worried you’ll make things worse.
Right then I began to formulate the “Discover to Recover” program. It became my life‘s mission to create a program that would:
Get people curious & excited to learn about their own bodies
Make pain your ally, not your enemy - Guide people to embrace, listen & respond to the body’s signals
Empower people with the tools needed to help themselves
Encourage interest and curiosity over fear of the unknown
My mission is to help people in pain find joy in movement, a better quality of life
and to know that these are attainable.
When you live with chronic pain there is no aspect of your life left untouched. Osteopathy is a powerful and effective approach that addresses the whole person, body, mind and spirit.
Essential additions to my work now are the education and practical tools to help people manage, not only their pain, but all aspects of their day to day challenges (Self-compassion, pacing activities, anxiety, sleep, nutrition, return to movement, socializing, brain fog, etc.…).
Each body is so unique and wildly interesting. My research into unravelling the complexity of the human body, mind and spirit will never stop. This program will evolve out of inspiration through embodied experience and as new research becomes available.
Discover to Recover began as the seed of an idea while living immobilized on my floor.
I feel proud and excited to see the vision realized & ready to launch!
Your discover to Recover journey...
Join me, let me guide you on your path from pain to potential! For the first time ever I am opening the doors to the beta launch of this new, online membership program.
I'm inviting 40 people to join this program at 50% off the regular rate.
In exchange for your feedback on how to make the program better
you will have access to the program at a discounted rate for the life of the program.
I assure you that everything in this program comes from years of research that honours current pain neuroscience concepts combined with over 20 years of clinical practice as an Athletic Therapist and Osteopath and over 20 years of teaching movement through dance, yoga, Pilates and Somatics.
There is nothing in this program that I have not embodied myself many times over to manage my own pain. This approach has given me my life back.